Busy Buzzing Bee

This song is from Disney Play Along 1 DVD. I have played this song from Abbie’s 1st month. The song can accompany with the toy bee play togther with the baby. Whenever you move the toy bee, baby’s eyes try to catch the bee. And that help enhancing their eye movement.

Point to note: You can move the toy bee (or another things from slow to fast, from top to bottom and left to right coz this is the reading writing direction!)

Buzz, buzz, buzzing bee,
Buzzing, buzzing at me.
Buzzing this way, buzzing that way, busy buzzing bee.
Buzzing up, buzzing down.
Buzzing up. buzzing down.
Buzzing all around, busy buzzing bee.

About Angie Chan

“Early Childhood is the foundation on which children build the rest of their lives. And I believe learning can via many different ways to explore and experience. It is so much fun when seeing the children finds their ways to learn and love to learn which drive me to keep the passion on working with children.”
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