Montessori Geography – Colored Globe (Hugg a Planet Earth)

Colored Globe (Hugg a Planet Earth), To let the children gain or improve global awareness, geographic literacy use to increase global knowledge and dialog.

I sang the continent song to Abbie to let her familiarize with the names of continents. The material is perfect and prehaps it is better than the orginal color globe.



You may challenge that the Hugg a Planet Earth may be too difficult for the young kids and it is not nessary to introduce the concept of geography(names of the places) too early. 

However, if the concept/knowedge is introduced in a fun way-why not? Abbie enjoyed holding the “Planet” and looking at it. Whenever, I sang the song her eyes will trace the planet. I won’t push her to recognize the names of continents or places, just want to let her have a change to explore the earth.

About Angie Chan

“Early Childhood is the foundation on which children build the rest of their lives. And I believe learning can via many different ways to explore and experience. It is so much fun when seeing the children finds their ways to learn and love to learn which drive me to keep the passion on working with children.”
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