- 每個課室都安排不同的活動給到場的家長及小朋友參與(大部分活動要逹1.5歲以上)
- 很多人感覺好擠擁。
- 學校安排部分幼兒在indoor playground踏三輪車,但因人太多好容易撞到別人。
- 因為每個課室都有活動安排,老師很忙碌,所以沒有機會了解他們學校的教育方法及理念。
- 部分老師給我的感覺像PR,不太像老師。
- 學校應該是用Thematic Approach (主題教學)但感覺有點像Project Approach,不過沒有機會問。
- 問到如何教英文拼音,得到的回答是:「PN和K1同Letterland而K2和K3同Synthetic phonics。」接著我又問:「Letterland和Synthetic Phonics又何分別?」接著她回答說:「Letterland同擬人法來教字音而 Synthetic Phonics會將 /c/及/h/合音介紹/ch/的音。」
- 我心中不太明白但我沒有追問
- 首先,Letterland都有教/ch/的音,而將兩每而將兩個英文字母拼寫變成另一個新的音叫 digraphs (two letters that make one sound e.g. /sh/, /ch/, /ng/……)相等於 Montessori Language 的green scheme.
- Synthetic Phonics的精髓是(a carefully selected set of letter-sound relationships that are organized into a logical sequence{對不起,不知中文該怎樣寫})簡單講即是拼讀。因為學識發音後不懂拼讀是沒有意思。
- 參觀校園的課室,其中一個Broad是教Sight Words,我猜他們的英文課程除了教拼音應該還有其他。因為教Sight Words 可以補足讓幼兒認識不能拼讀的生字,當中大部分都是Frequency usage words.
最後我跟女兒參加了Shadow Play用影子戲的形式講三隻小豬的故事。講故事的老師應該經驗比較豐富。當中加插了不少的問題及活動讓小朋友可以參與故事。
- 唯一的不滿是選擇故事/故事演釋,因為到最後她說灰狼吃小豬是不好的行為。可能我被Montessori 影响得太深。大自然界肉食性的動物獵殺是沒有問題跟本不涉及好與不好的道德觀念。
I have visited this school also, though I don’t exactly understand what is thematic approach and project approach you mention, however, I agreed with your feeling! After visiting this school, the first impression is “confusion”. I can’t find their teaching philosophy. I like those you describe the teacher- PR. Luckily that I’m not live nearby and they may not accept my boy,haha…
I’m happy that there is an expert like you to share your feelings and views, you help me a lot. I hope you will continue to visit all school and share your experience for me,hehe….
Thanks for your comment. I am not an expert. Just want to share what I feel after visiting the school. I have learnt a lot during visit the school. It can remind me there are a lot of different approaches to inspire the children except Montessori ^^